Do This Core Values Exercise When Feeling Lost (+Free PDF)

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If you’re feeling stuck or lost, it is likely that you are having some confusion about who you are and what you truly want out of life.

I’ve definitely been there. For me, the most challenging periods I’ve experienced were when my life felt out of alignment with who I am at my core.

When I was in jobs that weren’t a good fit, in relationships with people that didn’t get me, or living in places where I didn’t feel like I belonged.

We live in a world that is constantly feeding us messages about who we should be, what we should do, how we should look, and how we should feel. And with so many opinions swirling around us, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s on the inside – who we actually are and what it is we truly want.

It can be extremely helpful to take a step away from the constant noise coming at you from all sides, and pay attention. Listen to what your own voice is telling you. So how do you start?

By assessing your core values.

Why You Should Start With Your Core Values

We live in a world that is constantly feeding us messages about who we should be, what we should do, how we should look, and how we should feel. And with so many opinions swirling around us, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s on the inside – who we actually are and what it is we truly want.

It can be extremely helpful to take a step away from the constant noise coming at you from all sides, and pay attention. Listen to what your own voice is telling you. So how do you start?

How To Gain A Deeper Understanding Of Your True Values

I know this sounds simple, and you may be thinking that you already know what you value out of life.

But understanding what is most important to you, and reflecting on whether or not you are living by your values, is the first step to aligning your life and finding meaning in your day-to-day.

Because once you know what you want out of life, you can recognize the ways in which you already are in alignment. And also create a roadmap to get you where you want to be.

So how do you do start to gain a deeper understanding of your values?

First off, take the time to think about them!

Oftentimes it can feel a bit overwhelming to think about what you value out of life – for there are probably lots of things! So here is a list of some values to get you started. Which ones stand out as most important? In what ways does this value show up for you in your life?

List Of Values

  • Freedom
  • Adventure
  • Love
  • Happiness
  • Peace
  • Relaxation
  • Competition
  • Magic
  • Generosity
  • Ambition
  • Money
  • Creativity
  • Spirituality
  • Connection
  • Authenticity
  • Responsibility
  • Knowledge
  • Sustainability
  • Art
  • Learning
  • Health
  • Reason
  • Security
  • Integrity
  • Loyalty
  • Courage
  • Optimism

Free 10-Minute Values Exercise

I also highly encourage you to download this free PDF on Values. It contains a more expansive list of values, plus a 10-minute exercise to help you more deeply assess what it is most important to you. And I’ve included some journaling prompts to reflect a bit more deeply on what you discover.

Your values are a real, living, breathing part of you. They are constantly changing and evolving, and tapping into them helps you tap into who you are.

The insights you gain will help serve as an anchor when you have to make any decision about your life big or small – from what career you want to what to eat for dinner.

And your values will encourage you to keep going when times get tough.

Meaning can be found every day when your life is aligned with who you are.

I hope this exercise will inspire you to put more energy towards the things that are important to you.

And, if you want to learn more about how my values influence my practice, visit my About Page.

If you found this exercise helpful, please share it! Again, you can download it here.

And remember, even if you’re feeling a bit lost or uncertain about who you are, you can still find moments of joy and meaning in your day-to-day.

And, I’d love to hear more about your top values, so feel free to share them!


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I’m a Licensed Psychotherapist based in NYC. 

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