How To Stop Eco-Anxiety From Taking Over Your Life

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If you are constantly worried about the state of our planet and starting to feel pretty hopeless about anything changing, it is likely that you are experiencing eco-anxiety along with a touch of existential dread.

Please know, you are not alone in this. I provide a lot of climate change therapy in my practice, for people who are trying to deal with eco-anxiety. In fact, it comes up at some point with almost every person I work with.

And to be honest, I wasn’t planning to write about it today. Because thinking about it too deeply is also depressing to me!

However, after watching Don’t Look Up, I feel like I have no other choice.

I thought it was an incredibly powerful film. And since watching it, I’ve found myself reflecting much more deeply about my/our/every living creature on this planet. And what it means for us to be here in the first place.

But the film has me thinking about more than just climate change and existentialism. I’m also thinking about the very human tendency to avoid uncomfortable emotions, and how that can lead to much greater consequences in the long run.

It’s so easy to forget how beautiful and miraculous our planet is, huh?

Don’t Avoid How You Feel

Climate change is real, as is climate change anxiety. The truth is, many of us (myself included) behave in the same manner as the people in “Don’t Look Up!” (If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend).

What you see in the film, are the characters that are aware of what’s happening to the environment, they want things to change, but they “don’t look up,” because it’s just too damn depressing. Not to mention, terrifying. 

You simply don’t feel like feeling those feelings!

Which is why you might go into anxious avoidant mode.

This is a coping mechanism you might adopt when you subconsciously suppress or avoid your feelings around a harsh truth, because it’s too overwhelming to confront it. Whether it’s your sexual preferences, your credit card balance, or your inevitable mortality.

So instead of feeling the anxiety and fear that comes up when you face reality, you choose to look away and feel nothing. You keep yourself safe from your feelings, without taking into account the potential consequences of doing so.

It’s important to remember: ANXIETY IS NATURAL! It is a normal, adaptive response that you experience when you are faced with some kind of threat to your survival. Sometimes that threat isn’t as serious as you think, but oftentimes, it isn’t.

Remember Climate Change Anxiety Is A Good Thing

I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with having anxiety about the state of our environment.

There is scientific evidence that climate change is a real, ongoing threat to our survival, as well as the survival of all living species on the planet.

It means your body is working to protect you. It’s sensing a threat, and is trying to tell you to do something so you and everyone you know and humankind for generations to come will be able to survive on this planet!

Of course, anxiety isn’t the only reaction you can have when you are faced with the reality of what climate change is doing to our world. I know for me, when I actually think about it, I experience feelings of anger, powerlessness, and downright despair. 

What Your Feelings Are Telling You

  • The anger might be telling you that you don’t want this to be happening. 
  • The powerlessness is telling you that you wish there was something I could do. 
  • And perhaps the despair is telling you that you care deeply. That you are inextricably connected to every single living creature that exists on our planet. 

How To Use Those Feelings As A Guide 

  • You can use the anger as fuel to make things right. 
  • You can use the powerlessness to remind you of what is within your control. 
  • And you can use the despair to remind yourself of what’s important. To direct your energy towards what truly matters. And to make more mindful choices by being aware of how they impact the world and those living in it.

Just like therapy, this is one of those posts that doesn’t really have any easy answers. But here is what I’ll say about climate change anxiety:

When it comes to eco-anxiety, your feelings and your worries are 100% valid. There is a lot of uncertainty. We don’t know what’s going to happen. And it’s really scary.

If you’re anything like me, and can’t look at a picture of a polar bear without crying, let yourself cry. Feel it. Those feelings aren’t bad – they’re meaningful. They’re connecting you to something greater than yourself.

If the anxiety you feel is constant, becoming overwhelming, or impacting your daily functioning, there are ways to cope.

And remember, one of the best antidotes to helplessness about a situation like climate change is taking action. Donate. Research. Vote. Do what is within your power. Start now.

Imagine if we all allowed ourselves to really feel the anxiety we have around climate change.

Yes, there would probably be many more sleepless nights, more crying spells, and more panic attacks. But my hope is that there would also be an adoption of healthier coping skills, a collective shift in values, and more action being taken to protect our environment. And that is the kind of world I want to be living in.

Talk to friends. Talk to family. And of course, if your anxieties and fears about climate change are getting in the way of you living your life, or causing you to feel hopeless, talk to a therapist!

Check out my services page to see if I specialize in what you’re looking for. And please reach out if you’d like to start working together.


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