Why Creating Moments of Joy Is Better Than Being Happy

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For many of us, being happy is the goal, right? But what does “being happy?” really mean? And is it realistic to think that you can “be happy” all the time? The answer is… unlikely. Humans just aren’t made that way. However, what you can do almost all the time, is create little moments of […]

Do This Core Values Exercise When Feeling Lost (+Free PDF)

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If you’re feeling stuck or lost, it is likely that you are having some confusion about who you are and what you truly want out of life. I’ve definitely been there. For me, the most challenging periods I’ve experienced were when my life felt out of alignment with who I am at my core. When […]

If You Dread the Holiday Season, I Have Good News

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There are endless reasons as to why you might hate the holidays. It can be the most wonderful, yet the most stressful, time of the year! Holiday stress can feel very overwhelming at times, because it doesn’t just occur on the actual day – there are months of anticipation leading up. Maybe you are stuck […]

Do I Need a Therapist? Here are 7 Signs

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Most people believe that therapy is reserved only for individuals who are experiencing extreme dysfunction. But what about those people who are able to function “normally,” but still have that feeling that something is not quite right? Below is a list of signs that you may benefit from talking to a professional, AKA a therapist. […]

Will Quitting Social Media Benefit You? A Therapist’s Thoughts

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Will quitting social media benefit you? From my experience, the answer is both yes and no. In mid-October of 2018, I quit social media, cold turkey. I had been thinking about it for a while. Then finally, on a random Thursday, mustered the strength to quit social media. I deactivated Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat. I […]

5 Tips To Turn Valentine’s Day Into Self Love Day

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Do you hate Valentine’s Day? I spent most of my 20s dreading this holiday. And over the years, I have developed methods to not only survive it, but to even look forward to this time of year. What changed? I started dedicating February 14th to self-love instead of romantic love. Because if there is a […]

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