Category: Surviving Your 20s

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For New Yorkers

Hobbies In NYC To Help You Feel More Alive

If you live in NYC and feel depressed, you are not alone. Even though the city is stuffed to the brim with people, it can feel like one of the loneliest placest on the planet. And while there is always something fun going on, it’s common for people who live

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Personal Growth

Self-Esteem vs. Self-Confidence, And Which To Focus On

Self-Esteem vs. confidence: they may seem like synonyms, right? And in some ways, they are similar concepts. However, if you tend to put yourself down a lot, or feel like a complete failure when you make a mistake, focusing on cultivating self-esteem may be more effective if you want to

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Coping With Anxiety

5 Types Of FOMO And How To Cope

FOMO (AKA the Fear Of Missing Out) is the anxiety of the modern age. It can cause you to feel left out, or burnt out. It can make you lose sleep, feel depressed, and experience conflict in your relationships. If FOMO is an ever-present feeling in your life, you might

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Coping With Anxiety

5 Ways To Practice Self-Connection When Feeling Lost

If you’re feeling lost, one of the best ways to get your life back into alignment with who you are is by taking time to connect with yourself. Because self-connection is at the root of real self-care. And when you are able to connect with yourself authentically, you are able

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Personal Growth

Mental Health In The New Year: 10 New Year’s Resolutions

If taking care of your mental health in the new year is something you want to start focusing on more seriously, putting a Mental Health New Year’s resolution in place is one of the most positive ways you can ring in the new year. Because New Year’s resolutions aren’t about

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Personal Growth

Learn to Love Yourself By Being Okay With Yourself First

Learning how to be okay with yourself might not seem like a super positive approach to improving your mental health at first glance. But for many of us, there are times when simply being okay with who you are feels much more genuine and achievable than practicing full-blown self-love. Loving

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Coping With Anxiety

10 Of The Most Powerful Self-Compassion Quotes

Have you ever come across a quote that activated hope inside of you and had the power to completely turn your day around? Well today my friends, if you’re in search of that kind of quote, you’re in luck. Because I’ve gathered my top 10 favorite quotes on self-compassion, to

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Coping With Anxiety

How To Stop The Social Clock From Destroying Your Confidence

It can be really hard to watch someone else’s dreams come true, when you feel like you’ve been waiting forever for your turn. If you’re feeling left behind while all of your friends are off getting married, having kids or being promoted, it is likely that on one hand, you’re

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Coping With Anxiety

Hate Being Alone? Try These 5 Tips From a Therapist

Do you dread weekends where you don’t have every moment filled with some kind of plan or event? Or feel stressed and lonely if someone cancels on you? If so, there is one mind shift you need to enjoy being alone. I remember being fresh out of college, and absolutely

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Coping With Anxiety

1-Minute Mindfulness Exercises That Will Ease Your Anxiety

You’ve probably heard about the benefits of practicing mindfulness. It can help reduce anxiety, increase self-awareness, encourage kindness, and even improve tolerance around physical pain. And luckily, mindfulness can be practiced in any moment, even for just 1 minute at a time. It’s like a more practical, accessible kind of

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Coping With Anxiety

Stop Worrying About What Others Think And Focus On Yourself

One of the most common themes that comes up with my clients in our therapy sessions is how to stop worrying about what others think, and focus on yourself instead. Oftentimes, it’s not such an obvious problem. It can look like “But I don’t want to disappoint my parents.” Or

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