Free Resources for Pet Grief and Loss

Self-Care Guide After Losing a Soulmate Pet

When your greatest source of comfort (your pet) is no longer around, it's okay if you're not okay. This guide will help you care for yourself during this devastating time.

Create a tribute in the Memorial Meadow

Our community, the Furever Forest, has a free space for you to create a tribute of your pet, and share it with your loved ones. Honor your pet here.

Prepare for Significant Dates and Anniversaries

Anniversaries and special dates after losing a pet can be triggering, as they often bring a flood of emotions and memories. Plan ahead so you can take care of your wellbeing on these difficult days.

Pet Loss Support Hotlines

If you're in crisis, shock, or panicked after losing your pet and need help right away, support is available. Your pain is valid and things can get better.

*If you are having thoughts of ending your life after losing your pet, please seek help immediately:

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-8255 (TALK)
  • Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
  • Samaritans (UK): 116 123
  • Lifeline (Australia): 13 11 14

join us in the Furever Forest

You lost your best friend - it's okay if you're not okay.

The Furever Forest isn’t just a pet loss support group – it’s a community of animal lovers and sanctuary to help you heal.

Articles For Pet Grief and Loss

depressed after losing a pet
Losing A Pet

Have I Crossed The Line From Grief To Depression?

If you are lucky enough to experience the unconditional love of a wonderful, loving soulmate pet, then you also know what it is like to feel depressed after losing a pet. Although many people in our world don’t view the death of a pet as a significant loss, believe me, it is one of the most devastating life experiences you can go through. Which is

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Losing A Pet

Losing a Pet After 15+ Years: The Unique Stages of Grief

If you’re a pet owner, you know the worst part about having a pet it isn’t cleaning up their poop. Or the torn-up furniture. It isn’t even the expensive vet bills.  It’s the fact that one day, you will have to say goodbye. Your pet is going to get old (if you’re lucky). And eventually, their body will no longer be able to house their

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pet loss
Losing A Pet

10 Things I Did While Grieving My Soulmate Pet

 You probably know that when someone significant in your life dies, you have to give yourself time to grieve. But when that loved one happens to be a cherished pet, it’s common to feel completely empty, and lost about what you’re supposed to do. You may be asking yourself, “How am I supposed to fall asleep, let alone get through the day, without my pet

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